Golf with a Mushroom Kingdom twist!
Hit the green with up to four players locally* or online** and golf with friends from the Super Mario series like Mario, Peach, Yoshi, and more! Modes range from Standard Golf to the energetic Speed Golf and an exciting Golf Adventure.
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Create mayhem in multiplayer fun*
In Speed Golf, tee off at the same time with up to three other players* and race through the course to get your ball in first. Mayhem is par for the course as you hinder opponents with dashes and Special Shots. In Battle Golf, watch out for obstacles like Thwomps as you navigate Super Golf Stadium.
your golf skills in Golf Adventure
Enroll your Mii character in golf training at the famous Bonny Greens country club and go from beginner to pro! Youll face off against your Mushroom Kingdom classmates and your character. You can bring your character (and their customized stats) into other modes, too.
Choose from 16 characters from the Super Mario series
Mario’s Super Star Strike Special Shot blasts away balls on impact.
Luigi’s Ice Flower Freeze Special Shot freezes the ground on impact.
Peach’s Spiral Stinger Special Shot blasts away balls in its path.
Bowser’s Meteor Strike Special Shot blasts away balls on impact.
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